Peela gulmohar (Hindi- पीला गुलमोहर) (433669354)

Dinesh Valke from Thane, India
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Common name: Copperpod, Rusty shield-bearer, Peela gulmohar पीला गुलमोहर (Hindi)

Botanical name: Peltophorum pterocarpum - [ (pel-TOH-for-um) From the Greek pelte (shield) and phoreo (to bear), referring to the shape of the stigma; (ter-oh-KAR-pum) winged fruit ] Synonyms: Baryxylum inerme, Caesalpinia arborea, Caesalpinia ferruginea, Caesalpinia gleniei, Caesalpinia inerme, Caesalpinia inermis, Inga pterocarpa, Inga pterocarpum, Peltophorum ferrugineum, Peltophorum inerme, Peltophorum inermis, Peltophorum roxburghii, Poinciana roxburghii Family: Caesalpiniaceae - [ (Seez-al-pin-ee-uh--see-ay) from the generic name Caesalpinia ]

Origin: India and South East Asia

Copperpod is sometime also called yellow flame tree, because of the resemblance of its fern-like leaves to that of Gulmohar. The copper-pod is a native of Sri Lanka, the Andamans, the Malay peninsula and North Australia.

It is a very handsome tree with its spreading crown of many branches consisting of feathery mimosa like leaves and abundance of bright yellow blooms. When the copper-red seedpods cover the tree in profusion it is a wonderful sight. Thus the tree is much cultivated as an ornamental and is often planted alternately with Gul Mohur.

It is easily propagated by seeds and the timber is used for cabinet work.

Courtesy: - Flowers of India - Dave's Garden - Top Tropicals - ILDIS

Note: Identification or description may not be accurate; it is subject to your review.
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