Patanjali's Yogabhasya, Sanskrit, Devanagari script, sample pages

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The Yogasutra is an ancient Hindu text on Yoga philosophy. As a sutra, it is terse and needs interpretation and commentary called bhasya in the Hindu tradition. The Yogasutra is a widely followed and translated text since at least about the late 1st millennium CE.

The above photo is of a random, non-sequential sample page collection of a historic Yogabhasya manuscript. On the border in lower right corner is written "Ram", which sometimes marks the Hindu monastery tradition or Hindu temple the text was copied, studied or preserved in (in some cases, it represents the devotee's guru tradition). The manuscript may also highlight the colophon or some words with orange powder, corrections would normally be covered over with another color (in this manuscript, black) followed by notes on the margins. Personal commentary of a follower or another scholar are sometimes present in smaller script on the margins of a page.

The above 19th-century manuscript is archived and preserved at the University of Pennsylvania, which holds the largest number of South Asian manuscripts in North America. Some of its collection has been digitized and released in an ongoing effort as of 2018.

The photo above is of a 2D artwork of a text that is over 2,000 years old, from a manuscript that was produced before 1920. Therefore Wikimedia Commons PD-Art licensing guidelines apply. Any rights I have as a photographer is herewith donated to wikimedia commons under CC 4.0 license.
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Das Yogasutra ist ein zentraler Ursprungstext des Yoga. Es wurde von Patañjali verfasst. Yoga ist eine der sechs indischen orthodoxen Philosophien (Shaddarshana). Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet Sutra „Faden“. Das Yogasutra ist also gewissermaßen ein Leitfaden für Yoga, der anders als die Bhagavadgita keine Rahmenhandlung besitzt und auch nicht gesungen wurde. Das Yogasutra besteht aus 195 Sanskrit-Versen in vier Kapiteln, in denen in hochkonzentrierter Form die Essenz des Yogaweges gebündelt ist. Es ist eine der ältesten Überlieferungen der Yogatradition. .. weiterlesen