Pantex plant aeriel unknown data

Unknown photographer, photo obtained from CDC website
781 x 532 Pixel (90530 Bytes)
View of the Pantex Plant, Zone 11
  • Pantex Plant is located in Carson County 17 miles northeast of downtown Amarillo, Texas. The Pantex Plant facility consists of 10,177 acres owned by the Department of Energy (DOE). The Plant missions are the fabrication of chemical explosives for nuclear weapons, assembly of nuclear weapons for the nation's stockpile, maintenance and evaluation of nuclear weapons in the stockpile, disassembly of nuclear weapons being retired from the stockpile, demilitarization and sanitization of weapon components from dismantlement activities, and interim storage of plutonium components from retired weapons.
Pantex is composed of several functional areas, commonly referred to as numbered zones. These zones include an area for experimental explosive development (Zone 11)
Public domain

United States Department of Health, Center for Disease Control (CDC)

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