Pan Am 103 wreckage reconstruction

Air Accident Investigation Branch
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Pan Am Flight 103, 21 December 1988. Lockerbie bombing

Boeing 747–121, Clipper Maid of the Seas, Pan American World Airways, N739PA

Appendix B, Image B-17 "Fuselage three-dimensional reconstruction"
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w:Air Accident Investigation Branch Report No: 2/1990 - Report on the accident to Boeing 747-121, N739PA, at Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire, Scotland on 21 December 1988 Report name: 2/1990 Boeing 747-121, N739PA

Appendix B, Image B-17 "Fuselage three-dimensional reconstruction"
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Der Lockerbie-Anschlag war ein Bombenanschlag auf ein Verkehrsflugzeug vom Typ Boeing 747-121 der US-amerikanischen Fluggesellschaft Pan American World Airways am 21. Dezember 1988. .. weiterlesen