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This is a reproduction Decoy Paratrooper Dummy called the "PD-Pack". This reproduction was created using the exact specifications of the original dummies. It was made and donated to the museum decades after the war by some of the men who had helped manufacture the original PD Pack paradummies during WWII. It was made of rubberized material and was inflated by the attached CO2 Bottle, then upon landing it was destroyed by the attached TNT block, leaving only the parachute behind - suggesting a real paratrooper had landed. Military records show that the PD Pack paradummies were used in August of 1944, during Operation Anvil-Dragoon in Southern France. It is believed they were used again later in the war in the South Pacific. A different type of paradummy, made of sack cloth and filled with straw, was used on D-Day, June 6th, 1944 during Operation Titanic. Titanic involved six British S.A.S. soldiers who parachuted into France on June5/6 along with dozens of sack cloth paradummies, to confuse and divert German forces away from the actual Allied Airborne landings. Photo is from the Airborne Museum in St. Mere Eglise - France. 2006. /PAJ
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Paradummys sind erstmals im Zweiten Weltkrieg genutzte Puppen, die, aus einem Flugzeug abgeworfen, vom Feind für Fallschirmjäger gehalten werden sollen, um so die Invasion aus der Luft größer erscheinen zu lassen als sie wirklich ist. Weiterhin können mittels Paradummys feindliche Einheiten in angelegte Hinterhalte gelockt werden. .. weiterlesen