Owen Jones - Grammar of Ornament - 1868 - plate 035 - 300ppi

2384 x 3792 Pixel (4784616 Bytes)
Plate XXXV (35): “Arabian Nº 5” from Owen Jones, The Grammar of Ornament, folio edition, London: Bernard Quaritch 1868, scanned from a newer reprint of the book.
Hint: That this digital image has been scanned from a reprint of Jones’ book, is not a copyright problem, because the original book is in public domain (Jones died in 1874), and so both the reproduction in the reprint and this digital image are in public domain, too. But it is some problem for the image quality: the offset reprint has rasterized the original chromolithographic print, and may have introduced colour changes, too. So a high-quality (!) scan from a good copy of the original 1868 publication would be much better, and very welcome …
Public domain
Scanned from a reprint of Jones’ book by Aristeas.
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