Outing (1885) (14595068439)
Identifier: outing63newy (find matches)
Title: Outing
Year: 1885 (1880s)
Subjects: Leisure Sports Travel
Publisher: (New York : Outing Pub. Co.)
Contributing Library: Tisch Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries
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GamesSeveral and Irish as well as Italians. They gath-ered in Rome to take part in general ath-letic competition there under the au-spices of church societies. A feature ofthe program was their march to the Vat-ican to be blessed by Pope Pius X.There was an interruption in the formof an anti-clerical demonstration on thestreets of the city, but the athletesreached the Vatican in good order and,kneeling before the ancient balcony inthe Court of St. Damaso, received thepontifical benediction. There are indications that beforemany years have passed the present lead-ers in sport will have to fear not onlyEuropean competition. A recent newsdispatch from Tokio announced that ina Marathon run over the regulation dis-tance, and with a hard course to con-tend with, a Japanese had run consider-ably under the record. Comparativetime, especially in such an event, doesnot mean much of itself, but it is signifi-cant of recent developments in the East.Yale-in-China, the college which New 488 OUTING
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EMILIO LUNGHI, ITALY A noted runner who made good hisfame in his own country by beating Amer-ican talent in the United States. Haven graduates have built up in theformer Kingdom of the Yellow Dragon,has a complete athletic system and re-ports have it that an Intercollegiate Ath-letic Association is now in the making.The fact that Hawaii is part of theUnited States credited the remarkableswimming exploits of one Duke Kaha-namoku to America in the last set ofOlympic games, and the next competi-tion is apt to show some competitorsfrom the Philippine Islands. South America is still to be heardfrom as regards athletics, although atleast one country—Chile-—was repre-sented at Stockholm. Argentina is, fromthe climatic standpoint, a good trainingcountry and breeds stalwart men. Fur-thermore, it possesses enough wealthyenthusiasts to send a representation incase capable young men are developed.So far, however, the Argentinans haveput more emphasis upon polo and ridinggenerally than upon tr
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