Nysa 03

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Nysa is a town in southwestern Poland on the Nysa Kłodzka river, situated in the Opole Region. Historically the town was part of Lower Silesia.

Nysa is one of the oldest towns in Silesia. It was probably founded in the tenth century and afterwards became the capital of a principality of its name, which around 1200 became part of the Bishopric of Wrocław as the Duchy of Nysa. The town's fortifications from 1350 served to defend against the Hussites in 1424. The town and the duchy was part of Lands of the Bohemian Crown in years 1342 - 1742. During the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) it was besieged three times. The first Silesian War (1740–41, War of the Austrian Succession) ended Austrian sovereignty over Silesia and left the town in the hands of King Frederick II of Prussia, who laid the foundations of its modern fortifications. On 25 August 1769 Neisse was the site of a meeting between Frederick II and Emperor Joseph II, co-regent in the Habsburg Monarchy of Austria. During the Napoleonic Wars, Neisse was taken by the French in 1807. It retained its mostly Catholic character within the predominantly Protestant Province of Silesia in the Kingdom of Prussia. Because of its many churches from the Gothic and Baroque periods the town was nicknamed "the Silesian Rome". From 1816-1911, the town was the seat of the Neisse District, after which it became an independent city.

After World War I, Neisse became part of the new Province of Upper Silesia. Conquered by the Red Army during World War II, the town was placed under Polish administration according to the Potsdam Agreement and renamed to the Polish Nysa. The town's German population was largely replaced with Poles, many of whom were expelled or resettled from what is now Western Ukraine (see: Kresy). (Nysa's monuments is a list of the monuments of Nysa.)
The Scotch Mist Gallery contains many photographs of historic buildings, monuments and memorials of Poland.
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Nysa [ˈnɨsa], deutsch Neisse, ist eine Stadt in der Woiwodschaft Opole (Oppeln) in Polen. Sie ist zugleich Sitz der gleichnamigen Stadt-und-Land-Gemeinde mit etwa 57.500 Einwohnern sowie des Powiat Nyski. .. weiterlesen