
The Lincoln Daily Star, October 19th 1917, page 7.
412 x 483 Pixel (76624 Bytes)

Not Satisfied With Torture of Armenians, Turks Extend Cruelty to Greeks. Thousands of Greeks Deported From the Coast to Interior of Asia Minor. NEW YORK, Oct. 19.—Not sated by the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Armenians and Syrians, the Turk has also turned against the Greek Christians in his dominions and more than 700,000 have fallen a victim to persecution in the form of death, suffering or deportation, it was declared here today by Frank W. Jackson, of this city, chairman of the relief committee for Greeks of Asia Minor. He said the real details of these new Turkish atrocities were just beginning to leak out. “The story of the Greek deportation is not yet generally known,” said Mr. Jackson. “Quietly and gradually the same treatment is being meted out to the Greeks as to the Armenians. Although closely guarded, certain echoes of these horrors come out from time to time.

“There were some two or three million Greeks in Asia Minor at the outbreak of the war in 1914, subject to Turkish rule. According to the latest reliable and authoritative accounts some seven to eight hundred thousand have been deported, mainly from the coast regions into the interior of Asia Minor.
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The Lincoln Daily Star, October 19th 1917, page 7.
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