Northeast Corridor connection
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What is now Amtrak’s
Northeast Corridor, an uninterrupted railroad route from Boston to Washington, D.C., was completed by the creation of a system that connected the
Pennsylvania Railroad and the
New Haven Railroad. Constructed over about a decade and a half, the system included
Manhattan Transfer station, the
New York Tunnel Extension,
Pennsylvania Station, the
New York Connecting Railroad, and the
Hell Gate Bridge. At its southern end, it branched off about two miles above Newark on the Pennsylvania Railroad’s existent line to
ferry slips on the New Jersey shore. At its northern end, it connected to the Harlem River and Port Chester Railroad and via that to the New Haven line at a point just below
New Rochelle station. With the opening of the Hell Gate Bridge in 1917, the system was complete.
The map that has been marked here may be viewed at and is from page 583 of Electric Railway Journal (1908). It would seem to be in the public domain. The markings are my own.
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North River Tunnels
Die North River Tunnels, vielfach auch nur in Einzahl North River Tunnel bezeichnet, sind 1910 eröffnete Eisenbahntunnel in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, die von New Jersey unter dem Hudson River hindurch zur New York Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan führen und Teil des Northeast Corridors sind. Der 1810 m lange Landtunnel unter Bergen Hill wird auch Bergen Hill Tunnel genannt, der daran anschließende 2004 m lange Unterwassertunnel ist der eigentliche North River Tunnel. North River ist eine Bezeichnung für den untersten Abschnitt des Hudson River von Yonkers bis New York City.
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