Neolithic Arrowhead

(c) North Lincolnshire Museum, CC BY 2.0

North Lincolnshire Museum, Martin Foreman, 2017-04-12 10:34:10
2859 x 2362 Pixel (1074927 Bytes)
Pale grey flint arrowhead. A thin sub-triangular point with covering angled scalar retouch across both sides. Chipped at its base. This object compares to the larger triangular points known from early individual barrow burials, as at Callis Wold, East Riding of Yorkshire. These points were so finely made as to almost prohibit their mundane use, often from local flint of mediocre quality, perhaps itself a significant selection and exalting the level of skill required for their production. This smaller version is more likely to have been used as a projectile point, though it is perhaps significant that its fine tip appears undamaged and the damage to its base could be recent. Suggested date: Late Neolithic, 2700-2350 BC.

Length: 29.5mm, Width: 15.2mm, Thickness: 3.4mm, Weight: 1.46gms

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