Nennig Roman Villa and Mosaics - 51135289910

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The early history of the settlement at Nennig is obscure, but the site is today best known for the well-preserved ruins of a Roman villa dating from the first century AD. The Villa was discovered in 1852 by a peasant working on his land. The mosaic was restored in 1960 – it was dated then to the 3rd century AD. Villa’s central building had a front measuring 140 m and there was also a colonnade 250 meters long linking the southern wing to a separate bathhouse. In the center of the villa here was a reception hall with its 160 m3 mosaic floor. A marble fountain was integrated into the mosaic. The villa appears to have abandoned by the end of the fourth century. The ruins of the villa are noted for their exceptional mosaics, which have survived in remarkably good condition. They are considered as one of the most important of its kind north of Alps and they include vivid depictions of hunting and of gladiators fighting. The central motif depicts gladiatorial fight and six other octagonal medallions show other scenes from the amphitheater show, including two musicians with a rare depiction of a water organ.
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