Natural scenes through the parvocellular "Green-on" retinal pathway

Manuel Schottdorf, Barry Lee
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This is a simulation of a grid of retinal ganglion cells from the parvocellular pathway, where biophysical properties were taken from a point close to the primate fovea. The neurons shown here have relatively small receptive fields, sustained temporal responses, and are driven by M-cones (green) more than L-cones (red). This simulation was generated with a cybernetic model of the spatio-temporal processing done in the retina, using feed-back loops.

Schottdorf M, B. Lee B (2021) Macaque retinal ganglion cell responses to natural movies in vivo. G-Node.

This repository contains a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. I converted their videos to ogg, as the authors only provided mp4s.

The repository contains code and results presented in their article:

Schottdorf, M. and Lee, B.B. (2021), A quantitative description of macaque ganglion cell responses to natural scenes: the interplay of time and space. J Physiol, 599: 3169-3193.
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