Narwal brehm

Brehms Thierleben
491 x 400 Pixel (38520 Bytes)
Peculiarity: Tusk is depicted as having a spiral direction to the right, which would be an extremely rare case. The reason for this peculiarity of the picture is not currently known with certainty.
Public domain

Brehms Thierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs, Zweiter Band, Erste Abtheilung: Säugethiere, Dritter Band: Hufthiere, Seesäugethiere, Zweite umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage, Kolorirte Ausgabe, Leipzig: Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, 1883. [Sigel und Seitenkonkordanz: Brehms Tierleben. Kolorierte Originalausgabe, S. 7]

Peculiarity: Tusk is depicted as having a spiral direction to the right, which would be an extremely rare case. The reason for this peculiarity of the picture is not currently known with certainty.
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