NGC 6000 - HST - Judy Schmidt

Judy Schmidt from USA
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3372 x 2991 Pixel (17434156 Bytes)

A picturesque spiral galaxy perhaps most notable for being the 6000th entry in the New General Catalog. Hubble has looked at this galaxy a few times for stellar and galactic surveying, but never specifically because there is anything about this galaxy that makes it interesting on its own. Beautiful, but typical. I will say that the small, bright spiral in the nucleus amuses me. If I were to turn it 180°, it would be a 6, which would be fitting for it since it is NGC 6000. However, I think that would look "upside-down" if there is such a thing for galaxies.

There is an asteroid trail somewhere in this picture.

The chip gap was filled with cloned data. The image has clarity, sharpness, and saturation adjustments.

Data from Proposal 15166 were used to create this image. Continuing a Snapshot Survey of the Sites of Recent, Nearby Supernovae: Cycles 25 & 26

Red: WFC3/UVIS F814W Green: Pseudo Blue: WFC3/UVIS F555W

North is NOT up. It is 60.43° clockwise from up.
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