NATO Submarine Rescue System (NSRS) MOD 45152366

LA(Phot) Chris Mumby
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Pictured is the NATO Submarine Rescue System (NSRS).

The NSRS was having a crane launch trial at RNAD Coulport. The system is joint owned with three stake holders UK, France and Norway. Built by the company Perry Slingsby the operating contract is by Rolls Royce.

The NSRS is the worlds most advanced and strongest rescue system. Weighing in at 30 tonnes it has a max speed of 4.5kts, can dive to a depth of 610 metres pressurised to 5 bar, has a rescue angle of up to 60 degrees.

There are 3 crew members - 2 pilots and a rescue chamber operator it also hold up to 15 rescuees. The sub is transportable by air and can be craned from the stern of a ship with its own handling system and cradle that is welded to the ships deck. It works in conjunction with a 75 man TUP (Transportation Under Pressure).

  • Organization: ROYAL NAVY
  • Object Name: NE110032235 (1)
  • Category: RNA
  • Supplemental Categories: Submarines
  • Keywords: Nato Submarine Rescue System, NSRS, Capsule, Rescue, Royal Navy, Equipment, Submarine, Crane, Hatch, Inside, Interior
  • Country: UK
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