Muscovite mica showing flexibility
The silicates are the most abundant and chemically complex group of minerals. All silicates have silica as the basis for their chemistry. "Silica" refers to SiO2 chemistry. The fundamental molecular unit of silica is one small silicon atom surrounded by four large oxygen atoms in the shape of a triangular pyramid - this is the silica tetrahedron - SiO4. Each oxygen atom is shared by two silicon atoms, so only half of the four oxygens "belong" to each silicon. The resulting formula for silica is thus SiO2, not SiO4.
Muscovite mica is a common phyllosilicate with the formula KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 - potassium hydroxy-aluminosilicate. It has a nonmetallic luster, a hardness of about 2, forms hexagonal crystals, and has one perfect cleavage. Muscovite mica can be peeled into ultrathin sheets, which is a consequence of its cleavage. Thin cleavage sheets are noticeably flexible (elastic) - see this photo. Thicker pieces of muscovite are grayish-colored. Thin sheets are clear/colorless.
Photo gallery of muscovite mica: Bilder
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