Murumurunga Marae, 1975 (28797180432)

Archives New Zealand from New Zealand
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This image is from the National Publicity Studios collection.

Title: Maori meeting house dating from the Te Kooti era on the Murumurunga marae now used by the Ringatu church, Te Whaiti, Ureweras.

Date: January 1975

Photographer: G. Reithmaier

Murumurunga marae is located on the edge of Te Urewera, 20 km outside Murupara. The primary hapū are Ngāti Hamua ki Te Whaiti, Ngāti Kohiwi, Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāti Te Au, Ngāti Te Karaha, Ngāti Tuahiwi, Ngāti Whare ki Ngā Potiki and Warahoe ki Te Whaiti of Ngāti Whare.

The whare tipuna is named Wharepakau-tao-tao-ki-te-Kapua. Murumurunga connects ancestrally to the Mātaatua waka, the maunga Tuwatawata and the awa Whirinaki.

Archives reference: AAQT 6539 W3537 Box 150/ B7074

Material from Archives New Zealand

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