Montfaucon, Bernard de. L’Antiquite Expliquée et Représentée en Figures - Archigalle (1719)
Bernard de Montfaucon (1655 – 1741)
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The illustration depicts a statue of an Archigallus, as well as a smaller image of Cybele seated in temple, flanked by two lions. Archigallus was the title of the head of the Galli, the influential priesthood of Cybele in Rome. In most depictions the Archigallus is decoratively dressed and the statue illustrated here is no exception with its embellished neckline. The missing head would likely have been wearing an elaborate headdress too. On the chest of the figure is a depiction of Mercury, apparent by his caduceus and winged hat, Jupiter, as shown by his held thunderbolts, and the crowned and veiled Cybele. These characters together show the integration of the Phrygian cult of Cybele into the Roman society.
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Bernard de MontfauconDon Bernard de Montfaucon war ein französischer Gelehrter und Paläograph. .. weiterlesen