Miriam Makeba (1968)

Reprise Records
373 x 656 Pixel (185894 Bytes)
Trade ad for Miriam Makeba's single "What Is Love".

To better adapt it to his respective Wikipedia article, the ad was cropped and cleaned in a graphics editing program. The original can be viewed at the source below.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
  • The ad appeared in the 30 March 1968 issue of Billboard and can be dated from that publication; it is pre-1978.
  • There are no copyright markings as can be seen at the full view link.
  • The ad is not covered by any copyrights for Billboard.
  • US Copyright Office page 3-magazines are collective works (PDF)
"A notice for the collective work will not serve as the notice for advertisements inserted on behalf of persons other than the copyright owner of the collective work. These advertisements should each bear a separate notice in the name of the copyright owner of the advertisement."
Public domain
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Weitere Informationen zur Lizenz des Bildes finden Sie hier. Letzte Aktualisierung: Tue, 06 Sep 2022 02:02:34 GMT

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(c) National Archives of the Netherlands, CC BY-SA 3.0

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