Mimi Kennedy at National Election Integrity Conference

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16. Election Integrity: The Path Forward - Mimi Kennedy

Mimi Kennedy has served as Advisory Board Chair for Progressive Democrats of America since its founding in 2004. She is an actress on stage (GREASE) TV (MOM, DHARMA & GREG) and film (MIDNIGHT IN PARIS, IN THE LOOP) and writer (TAKEN TO THE STAGE; THE EDUCATION OF AN ACTRESS) She’s worked voluntarily for Election Integrity since 2002, helping found CEPN (California Election Protection Network) and PDA’s Election Issues Organizing team. She is a member of LA County Registrar’s Voter Outreach Committee and was invited to help establish principles for LA’s new voting system as a member of the Registrar’s Voting Systems Advisory Panel. Her non-negotiable was a human-readable paper ballot counted independently from the machine that produced it, and that is the new system’s design. She makes media appearances (Thom Hartmann, Harvey Wasserman, KPFK-Pacifica) to discuss election integrity developments and warn of new fraud risks like “Fraction Magic”, Bev Harris and Bennie Smith’s discovery of fractional voting programs in 80% of US private-company election systems. Progressive Democrats of America: http://pdamerica.org

For more information on the conference, go to: https://nvrtf.org For more information on election integrity issues, go to: https://countedascast.org

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