
(c) Matthias 'mattness' Bauer, CC BY-SA 3.0

533 x 800 Pixel (245955 Bytes)
Mikael Åkerfeldt playing at Wacken Open Air 2006.
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I agree to publish that work under the free license Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ .

The image credit must be given as either 'Photo: Matthias 'mattness' Bauer / mattness.net', or, if the medium allows hyperlinks, as 'Photo: Matthias 'mattness' Bauer' with the text linked to http://mattness.net/ . The photo credit must be given on the same page the photo appears on, or on the photo if there is no surrounding 'page'.
Matthias 'mattness' Bauer / Bright Eyes Magazine
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