Meliton Kantaria - Jvari, Samegrelo, Georgia - 6 April 2013
3000 x 4000 Pixel (4595024 Bytes)
მელიტონ ქანთარია - ჯვარი, სამეგრელო, საქართველო - 6 აპრილი 2013
This photo was taken on the grounds of School #3 in Jvari in the Republic of Georgia. It depicts the memorial standing next to the grave of Meliton Kantaria, who was the Soviet soldier that planted the Red Flag atop the Reichstag after the defeat of Nazi Germany.
Мелитон Кантария - Джвари, Самегрело, Грузия - 6 апреля 2013
This photo was taken on the grounds of School #3 in Jvari in the Republic of Georgia. It depicts the memorial standing next to the grave of Meliton Kantaria, who was the Soviet soldier that planted the Red Flag atop the Reichstag after the defeat of Nazi Germany.
Public domain
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Meliton KantariaMeliton Kantaria war ein georgischer Sowjetsoldat. Laut offizieller sowjetischer Geschichtsschreibung war er der auf dem berühmten Foto Auf dem Berliner Reichstag, 2. Mai 1945 abgebildete Sergeant, der die sowjetische Siegesfahne auf dem Berliner Reichstagsgebäude hisste. .. weiterlesen