
2700 x 1800 Pixel (2428135 Bytes)

Title: Pathology: Patient: Melanoma
Description: This is advanced malignant melanoma. At the left, one can see a plaque of early, radial growth phase superficial spreading melanoma. To the right, and contiguous with the plaque, is a pink (amelanotic) nodule of deeply invasive vertical growth phase melanoma. Melanomas diagnosed at this stage have a poor prognosis; many of these patients develop metastatic disease and die from their cancer. In the majority of instances, the plaque stage of melanoma is present for a sufficient period of time to permit its diagnosis and removal before it progresses to a more advanced (and more difficult to treat) stage.
Topics/Categories: Pathology -- Patient
Type: Color Slide
Source: National Cancer Institute
Author: Unknown photographer/artist
AV Number: AV-8500-3606
Date Created: 1985
Date Entered: 1/1/2001

Access: Public
Public domain
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