Medal of Honor recipient remembered 150 years later 150402-F-ZT651-001
Tech. Sgt. Ted Nichols
4928 x 3264 Pixel (14512302 Bytes)
Lt. Col. Robert Hepner, Fort Indiantown Gap garrison commander, speaks during a wreath-laying ceremony held April 2, 2015, at the installation's Marquette Lake commemorating the 150th anniversary of the event that led to Lebanon County's Sgt. Charles Marquette receiving the Medal of Honor. Marquette belonged to what was the 93rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment and impaled himself while placing the nation's flag on enemy fortifications during the siege of Petersburg, April 2, 1865, and was awarded the Medal of Honor, May 10, 1865. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Tech. Sgt. Ted Nichols/Released)
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