Marina Abramović. The Cleaner

Francesco Pierantoni from Bologna, Italy
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Balkan Baroque (Bones) 1997

Palazzo Strozzi 19 set 2018

"Extensive exhibition reflects on Marina Abramović’s close relationship with Italy. First major exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi devoted to a female artist" "From 21 September 2018 to 20 January 2019, Palazzo Strozzi will host Italy's first retrospective devoted to the work of Marina Abramović, one of contemporary arts most celebrated and controversial figures. Abramović revolutionised the idea of performance art, testing the limits of her body and its potential for creative expression. Italy was chosen by the artist as an important stop for this major retrospective exhibition, as the country has played a significant role in Abramović’s life and in the development of her art. Abramović’s work flourished in the time she spent in Italy in the 1970s – when she enjoyed international success with performances in Rome, Milan, Naples, Venice and Bologna."
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(c) Marina Abramović and the CODA Museum, CC BY 3.0

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Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović ist eine serbische Performance- und Konzeptkünstlerin. Sie gilt als eine der wichtigsten Vertreterinnen der Performancekunst und Body-Art. Laut der Einschätzung von Philipp Meier ist sie die berühmteste Performancekünstlerin der Welt. Der Schmerz sei zur Grundkonstante in Abramovićs Kunst geworden. .. weiterlesen