Map of Minnesota NA

1453 x 1890 Pixel (442863 Bytes)

Scalable map of the U.S. state of Minnesota, showing terrain features: hills, lakes, rivers, roads and major towns, in quick photographic format (JPEG) to highlight terrain features. The Mesabi Range, Mount Eagle, and nearby states are labeled; the Interstate icons are enlarged 40%; and major cities are bolded 20%-40% for readability when scaled to 310px display width. The distance scale is shown in miles/kilometers, and labels appear 4x times larger than original in the US National Atlas, at similar display width.

Format: Quick JPEG format for photographic quality, extracted/reduced from National-Atlas file of PNG format, 130x times more massive. Names have been enlarged for readability when map is resized smaller. Map is huge and could be reduced more: the original PNG file might crash browsers with many open windows.
Public domain
National Atlas (cropped to extract terrain only, no legend, with several names enlarged/added)
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Mesabi Range

Die Mesabi Range, auch Mesabi Iron Range, ist eine ausgedehnte Lagerstätte von Eisenerzen und das größte der vier Eisenerzvorkommen in Minnesota, die zusammen als Iron Range bekannt sind. Ihr hochgradiges Erz enthält bis zu 70 % Eisen, was die Range zur führenden Eisenerzlagerstätte der Vereinigten Staaten macht. "Mesabi" ist ein Ojibwa-Name und bedeutet "Riese". .. weiterlesen