Map commune FR insee code 33501


Map data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA


• Shape files infrastructure: railway, highways, water: all originally by OpenStreetMap contributors. Status december 2011
• Label and Insee code commune: from Geofla (note that commune boundaries are also available under free license at geofla, but not near acceptable quality due to extreme simplification!)
• Data for exact commune* and department boundaries: derived via osm download and osm2pgsql, OpenStreetMap contributors.
• Data for landuse: OSM / Corine land cover, 2006 ([1])
• Mentioned sources combined and exported for each commune using a script by Michiel1972

*note: shown commune boundaries are from OSM dump May 2012; at that time about 90% complete

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756 x 605 Pixel (72155 Bytes)
Map commune FR insee code 33501.png
derived work, see author details
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