Mandy Bujold IM In A Car

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IM In A Car :) with Mandy Bujold - Canadian Olympic Boxer!

In this episode of IM In A Car Rob Murray talks with Canadian Olympic boxer Mandy Bujold!

Over the drive Mandy discusses her experience implementing sports psychology into her training, explains the importance of constant goal setting in her life, and elaborates on the significance of extreme discipline and how that helped her define her main priorities Rob Murray is the Co-Founder of Intrigue Media, a digital marketing company located in Guelph, Ontario.

Rob is focused on creating strategy and purpose. His experience has given him the opportunity to understand how sales and marketing have a very crucial relationship together and if that relationship is strong, then they have a chance to be successful.

His goal is to get clients to his clients and generate business for anyone that works with Intrigue Media. The aim at Intrigue Media is to turn marketing ideas into strategies that engage consumers and lead to concrete sales.

👇You can find out more about Intrigue Media here 👇

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Mandy Bujold

Mandy Marie Brigitte Bujold ist eine kanadische Boxerin im Fliegengewicht. Sie zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Boxerinnen des amerikanischen Kontinents und konnte als erste Frau bei zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Panamerikanischen Spielen eine Goldmedaille gewinnen. Darüber hinaus war sie Teilnehmerin der Olympischen Sommerspiele 2016 in Rio de Janeiro und 2020 in Tokio. .. weiterlesen