Malala Yousafzai 2015

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Education campaigner Malala Yousafzai joined International Development Secretary Justine Greening in London to discuss the importance of getting girls through school around the world.

Over 60 million girls in the world are out of school. Malala - a Nobel Peace Prize winner - is leading a drive to ensure all girls get access to 12 years of free, safe, quality primary and secondary education.

Joining Malala at the recent Global Goals festival in New York, Justine Greening said:

"I don’t believe that any country can develop if half its population is left behind.

"It’s about voice, choice and control for girls and women. That starts with education.

"I’m committing that the UK will help 6.5 million more girls to go to school over the next 5 years".

Read more about the UK’s support for girls in school at:

Find out more about Malala’s campaign to get all girls an education at:

Picture: Simon Davis/DFID

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