MD.GE.Comrat firefight.trucks april-2010
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District from Wiesbaden, Germany
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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District recently began renovating a World War II-era converted fire station in Comrat, Moldova. The project seeks to update all living and sleeping accomodations, modernize the communication room, and add five new fire truck garages, as well as an Emergency Operations Center. The EOC and fire station will provide rescue and emergency operation services for roughly 35,000 people in 12 surrounding villages. When complete in late 2010, the facility will also serve as the emergency headquarters for capital, Chisinau, located 64 miles north.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Carol E. Davis. USACE begins convertion of WWII-era facility into fire station for Moldova residents
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