Luis Embalo Aquascaping

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- Pogostemom Stellata - Nesaea Pedicellata - Staurogyne repens - Echinodorus Radicans - Cryptocoryne Undalatus Kasselman - Nomaphila Stricta Thay - Anubias Barteri var. Petitte - Anubias Minima - Bolbitis Heudelotii - Crinum Calamistratum - Cryptocoryne Beckettii 'petchii' - Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Tropica' - Alternanthera Reineckii 'Purple' (lilacina) - Echinodorus 'Ozelot' - Hemianthus Micranthemoides - Proserpinaca Paulustris 'Cuba' - Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba' - Cyperus Helferi - Vesicularia Dubyana - Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides (maritima) - Hygrophila Pinnatifida - Microsorum Pteropus 'Narrow' - Microsorum Pteropus 'Petit' - Microsorum Pteropus - Microsorum Pteropus 'Windelov'

[FISH] - Otocinclus Affinis - Crossocheilus Siamensis - Paracheirodon Axelrodi - Hyphessobrycon Amandae - Corydoras Aeneus (Albino) - Corydoras Aeneus (Red Fin)

[SUBSTRATE] Dupla Substrate

[FILTER] Eheim Classic 2260

[LIGHT] Arcadia OT2 Freshwater 1000mm 4x39w T5

[CO2] Dupla Armatur PRO, Dupla Magnetventil and GLA Atomic diffuser

[COMMENTS] The tank was setup in a way that would bring back memories of my summer holidays in Portugal, Lisbon.

There is a strong light from the left side that will enhance the reds of the Cryptocorynes, Proserpinaca and Alternanthera right underneath it.

The layout and color gives the illusion that the sun is rising from between the plants, with the red hues being the sun itself.
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