Latua pubiflora ripe fruit Herefordshire

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Latua pubiflora (Griseb.) Baillon (plant family: Solanaceae): a ripe, yellow fruit borne on a side shoot of a spiny, greyish stem of a cultivated specimen growing in the Chilean garden of a specialist plant nursery in the village of Adforton in the English county of Herefordshire.

Note the presence of a certain amount of dry, brown material (dead leaves and side shoots) deriving from summer die-back, indicative either of some disease - either fungal or bacterial - or possibly of summer conditions too dry for a species noted for thriving in a mild, but very wet, oceanic climate. While the inland site - in the valley of the river Lugg - has fairly moist soil, the atmospheric conditions may be hotter, stiller, drier and less salty than those in the plant’s Chilean homeland. Within the U.K. this shrub seems to thrive best in Logan Botanic Garden near the Mull of Galloway, where the mild, wet and windy conditions correspond most closely to those of the Los Lagos region of coastal Chile, to which this attractive species is endemic.

Note: similar summer die-back may also be seen on specimens of L. pubiflora grown in Edinburgh Botanic Garden, suggesting a similar possible link to the effects of drier air.
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Latua pubiflora

Latua pubiflora, auch Baum der Zauberer genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Nachtschattengewächse (Solanaceae). Es ist die einzige Art der Gattung Latua. Sie ist endemisch in den küstennahen Bergen des südlichen Chile. .. weiterlesen