Lascar Muddy trail and dense vegetation - Montane rainforests biome (4460834130)

Jorge Láscar from Australia
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Because the Kilimanjaro is located close to the equator and the Indian Ocean and because it is so high, there are five major ecological zones. Each offers flora and fauna found in few other parts of Africa. Warm moist air from off the Indian Ocean is carried to the mountain and begins to rise over the slopes. The eastern and southeastern sides of the mountain are the wettest. But as the air rises, it is sucked dry, leaving higher areas arid. The summit air is cold enough to sustain glaciers and a snowcap


Lichens, mosses and ferns growing on trees are the most striking contrast you'll see. The most obvious is usnea, which is known as the "Old man's beard". Blue monkeys are sometimes seen.[]
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(c) Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

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