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This is the Assyrian Lamassu at the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago.

Gypsum (?) Khorsabad, entrance to the throne room Neo-Assyrian Period, ca. 721-705 B.C. OIM A7369

This 40 ton statue was one of a two flanking the entrance to the throne room of King Sargon II. A protective spirit known as a lamassu, it is shown as a composite being with he head of a human, the body and ears of a bull, and the wings of a bird. When viewed from the side, the creature appears to be walking; when viewed from the front, to be standing still. Thus it is actually represented with five, rather than four legs.

Being approximately 2700 years old, copyright does not apply to this statue.
Trjames (Eigenes Werk)
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University of Chicago Oriental Institute

Das Oriental Institute der University of Chicago gehört zu den führenden Forschungszentren für Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde und Ägyptologie weltweit. Es wurde 1919 als Institut der University of Chicago gegründet und beherbergt auch ein eigenes archäologisches Museum. Im April 2023 wurde der traditionsreiche Name in Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, West Asia & North Africa (ISAC) geändert. .. weiterlesen