Lake Frome, South Australia

Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon
2357 x 5000 Pixel (14500038 Bytes)
These images show the eastern edge of the salt-pan; the land to the east has a slightly higher elevation and consists of a network of typically dry river channels. Inside the salt-pan, the land surface is uneven. Areas shaped like sloppy tear-drops rise above the surrounding plain. In the before image, the salt lake appears bone-dry, filled with off-white sediment. In the after image, however, water has infiltrated the area. Water on the land surface appears in shades of dull green, and a temporary river runs north-south through the image. Water also fills a network of small temporary lakes in the south-east. Throughout much of Lake Frome, water makes its presence known not through standing water but through mud and/or wet salts. Water seeping through typically dry sediments had darkened the surface, especially in the west.
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