L'Albanese d'Italia - Mappa

(a cura di) F. Altimari e L. M. Savoia
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The communities speaking the Albanian language in Italy (Le comunità albanofone d'Italia / Katundet arbërishtfolësë të Italisë). The communities speaking the Albanian language in Italy, in fifty inhabited centers. Certainly 96 localities in Italy are of total Albanian foundation, for a total of 316 localities among the villages, towns and cities founded or refounded by the Albanians from 1300 to 1700, not only in the south, but throughout Italy. It is estimated that in total the Italo-Albanians are 260 thousand (160 thousand is the population of Albanian origin in Italy that no longer speaks Albanian Arbërisht, but maintains a historical conscience, the Byzantine rite or customs and traditions, while they are in fact 100 thousand speakers who still speak Albanian Arbërisht today).
From the book: "I dialetti italo-albanesi. Studi linguistici e storico-culturali sulle comunità arbëreshe", Bulzoni, Roma, 1994, pp. 480-481.
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