Kozan Hoşkadem Mosque exterior 3288
The Hoşkadem Mosque in the heart of town was built in 1448 by an Egyptian ruler and is a fine and curious building, with its ribbed ceiling. It's also called the Ulu Camii (Big or Main mosque) for being the major Friday mosque in town. This seems to be typical of Mamluk building, as is its lone galleried minaret and two-coloured striped portal.
By accident I found there is a Hoşkadem Mosque in Istanbul also, not to be confused with this one.Relevante Bilder
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Kozan (Adana)Kozan ist eine Stadt und ein Landkreis der türkischen Provinz Adana. Es liegt in der nördlichen Çukurova, südlich des Anti-Taurus, überwiegend am linken Ufer des Kilgen Çayı, eines Zuflusses des Ceyhan. .. weiterlesen