Knut Frydenlung
354 x 419 Pixel (92387 Bytes)
Preşedintele Nicolae Ceauşescu a primit pe Knut Frydenlung, ministrul afacerilor externe al Norvegiei, care efectuează o vizită oficială în România. La primire a participat Ştefan Andrei – ministrul afecerilor externe. (7.III.1979).
[Fotografia #L017]
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This image is available from the Romanian Communism Online Photo Collection under the digital ID 35080X5X13
The Romanian National Archives identifies, processes, systematizes, and makes available any photographic resources, regardless of their format, created during/about the communist regime in Romania, so that anyone can use them free of charge.[1] According to existing legislation and regulations of the Romanian National Archives, anyone that uses these photographs, regardless of purpose or nature of the work, is obliged to mention:[2]
- The number of the photo (e.g. #G008)
- The complete name of the database (Fototeca online a comunismului românesc)
- The date of access to the database, in round brackets (e.g. (28.10.2021))
- The archive quota of the work: ANIC, archival database, structural part, thematic subdivision, quota (e.g. ANIC, ISISP archival database, Nicolae Ceauşescu – Portraits, 8/1966)
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Knut Frydenlund
Knut Olav Frydenlund war ein norwegischer Diplomat und Politiker der Arbeiderpartiet.
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