Karri and Tingle (6063461219)

Giles Watson from Oxfordshire, England
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Hollow trunk, a ancient tree of Eucalyptus jacksonii in Walpole

A reading of this poem, with film of these two magnificent species of eucalyptus, is available here:

A poem about the wonderful tall trees in the Valley of the Giants: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN-hiOWrVSo" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN-hiOWrVSo</a>

Karri and Tingle

The Tingle’s bark tangles into burls and knobs, An eddying stream of living wood, branching Into sky-fed tributaries. The Karri: an unruffled Surface of a lake, reflecting a sky cloud-swirled As mother-of-pearl.

The Tingle is also a cave, walled and roofed In charcoal, lit through fissures; the twist Of its trunk is sinuous as a python climbing. The Karri: a tall and graceful ghost Letting down her hair.

The bole of the Tingle is an ogling man With one eyebrow bulging, as though stung By hornets. The Karri is faceless, Detached. She contemplates The art of grace.

The Tingle is buttressed as a gothic choir, And above it, a branching spire, with firetails In the belfry. The Karri has dispensed With struts and stays: throws out her lissom Arms and dances.

Poem by Giles Watson, 2011. The Karri and the Tingle are eucalyptus trees which dominate the forests around Walpole, in the south-west of Australia. The Tingle grows to a height of 60 metres, with a girth of 16 metres, and has a life-span of 400 years. The base of the trunk is heavily buttressed, and is commonly hollowed out by fire without killing the tree. The Karri has a thinner, more graceful trunk with no buttressing, has a characteristic mottled, silver-grey bark, and grows to a height of 90 metres. Together, they create a habitat which provides for an enormous diversity of other species.
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