Kabeiric black-figure skyphos, fragments, NAMA 10426, 191371
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Two fragment of a Kabeiric black-figure skyphos. The allegorical interpretation of the representation of the vase, which is connected with the symbols of the weavert’s art, links it with the Orphic mysteries. Krateia (Strength) embrace Mitos (the warp thread, symbolising semen). Next to them is depicted the fruit of her union, Protolaos (the first man, first people). This myth of the birth of mankind is acted out before the eyes of the reclining god Kabeiros and his son and wine-pourer Pais (Boy). The figure of Satyr is depicted on a small sherd from the same vase. From the Kabeirion at Thebes. By the Kabeiros Painter, 420-410 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens n. 10426.
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