K F Kinch

Caption reads "Laurberg & Gad Fot." (Fot. surely an abbreviation for "fotograf" = English "photographer") as well as "Pacht & Crones EFTFLG." Almost certainly refers to the Danish photographers en:Julie Laurberg (1856–1925) and Franziska Gad (1873–1921). Per File:Pacht & Crone.jpg, Pacht & Crone was a photograph shop, and "Eftf." is an abbreviation for corporate successor in Danish, which means that Pacht & Crones probably had the negative of the photograph used even if it was originally taken by Laurberg & Gad. I don't know what the "LG" at the end of "EFTFLG." means, though.
1587 x 2070 Pixel (3992855 Bytes)
Photograph of Karl Frederik Kinch (1853–1921), a Danish archaeologist.
Public domain
Tale i Videnskabernes Selskab møde den 18. november 1922. Oversigt over Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger (scan).
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