
Diagrams by Scott Hartman, published by Mark A. Loewen, Randall B. Irmis, Joseph J. W. Sertich, Philip J. Currie, Scott D. Sampson
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Skeletal reconstructions and postcranial elements of Utah tyrannosaurs.

(A) Skeletal outlines showing recovered elements of Lythronax argestes (UMNH VP 20200) and (B) Teratophoneus curriei (UMNH VP 16690). Selected postcranial elements of Teratophoneus in left lateral view: (C) cervical vertebra 3; (D) cervical vertebra 9; (E–G) three caudal vertebrae; (H) right ilium (photoreversed with left illium in the background in grayscale); (I) pubis; (J) ischium; (K) right femur in lateral view; (L) right tibia in anterior view; and (M) right fibula in medial view. Elements of Lythronax figured include: (N) the left pubis in lateral view; (O), left tibia in anterior view (photoreversed); and (P) left fibula in medial view (photoreversed). Scale bar for a and b is 1 meter, c-g 5 cm and h-p 10 cm. Abbreviations: ac, acetabulum; af, astragalar facet; bf, brevis fossa; cc, cnemial crest; dp, diapophysis; ep, epipophysis; ff, fibular flange; ffa, fibular facet; ft, fourth trochanter; if, iliofibularis muscle scar; ip, ischial peduncle; lt, lesser trochanter; mff, fibular fossa; ns, neural spine; of, obturator flange; pa, parapophysis; pb, pubic boot; pc, pleurocoel; pp, pubic peduncle; poz, postzygapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis; sac, supraacetabular crest; sar, supraacetabular ridge; tp, transverse process.
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Lythronax war eine Gattung tyrannosaurider Dinosaurier aus dem Campanium von Nordamerika. Es handelt sich hierbei um die stratigraphisch älteste Gattung der Familie Tyrannosauridae. Einzige Art ist Lythronax argestes. .. weiterlesen