Jasper 2023 path

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Track map of Severe Tropical Cyclone Jasper of the 2023-24 South Pacific cyclone season and the 2023-24 Australian region cyclone season. The points show the location of the storm at 6-hour intervals. The colour represents the storm's maximum sustained wind speeds as classified in the (see below), and the shape of the data points represent the nature of the storm, according to the legend below.
Tropical depression (≤38 mph, ≤62 km/h)
Tropical storm (39–73 mph, 63–118 km/h)
Category 1 (74–95 mph, 119–153 km/h)
Category 2 (96–110 mph, 154–177 km/h)
Category 3 (111–129 mph, 178–208 km/h)
Category 4 (130–156 mph, 209–251 km/h)
Category 5 (≥157 mph, ≥252 km/h)

Storm type

▲ Extratropical cyclone / Remnant low / Tropical disturbance / Monsoon depression
Public domain
Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA. Tracking data is from NOAA.
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