Jan Michejda Grave
"Dr Jan Michejda, was born in Olbrachcice (Albrechtice) on 18th July 1853, the son of Francis and Anna Czech Michejda. He graduated from Lutheran high school in Cieszyn, and in 1871 began studying for a law degree, at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, which he completed in Vienna in 1875. He obtained a doctorate in law in Kraków in 1877, and in 1882 opened his own law firm in Cieszyn. From 1880 Michejda took an active part in the activities of the Polish national camp in Cieszyn Silesia, being one of the founders of the People's Political Association, the Cieszyn Education Society, the local branch of the Polish Gymnazjum (High School) Association "Sokół", the Association of Agricultural Companies, the Association of 'Kas Spółkowych Systemu Raiffeisen', and many schools. From 1890 to 1918 he represented the Polish national camp in Silesia at the Sejm in Opava, and in the years from 1901 to 1907, and from 1911 to 1918, he was a deputy to the State Council in Vienna. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of 1918 he was one of three presidents of the National Council of the Duchy of Cieszyn, by which he was appointed head of the Provisional Government of the Principality of Cieszyn. After the division of Cieszyn Silesia in 1920, Michejda was the government commissioner of Cieszyn, then mayor of the city, leading Cieszyn during the most difficult period when the entire infrastructure of the divided city had to be re-structured, a relationship created with the German population, and critical assistance prvided to businesses and the unemployed. Jan Michejda died on 14th May 1927 during the opening ceremony of the section of railway from Skoczów to Chybie."
(Text courtesy of the Cieszyn City Web Site)
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Jan MichejdaJan Michejda war ein polnischer evangelischer Rechtsanwalt, Politiker, Nationalaktivist im Teschener Schlesien, Bürgermeister von Cieszyn, Abgeordneter des Schlesischen Landtags sowie des Österreichischen Abgeordnetenhauses. .. weiterlesen