James D. Dole Homestead

Jack E. Boucher
979 x 687 Pixel (339774 Bytes)
1901 building from the original homestead of James Drummond Dole (1877–1958), at the end of Dole Road, in Wahiawa, Hawaii. Dole established the first large-scale sucessful Pineapple plantation, and the company that would eventually be called Dole Food Company. The house has since been moved to the Waipahu Cultural Garden.
Public domain
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pnp/habshaer/hi/hi0000/hi0056/photos/058169pv.jpg US Library of Congress HABS HI,2-WAHWA,1-2, Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record
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James Dole

James Drummond Dole war ein US-amerikanischer Unternehmer und Gründer der Hawaiian Pineapple Company, aus der die Dole Food Company hervorging. Als Pionier der Ananasindustrie auf Hawaii wurde er auch der „Ananaskönig“ genannt. .. weiterlesen