Jacques-Savary-Malachy-Postlethwayt-The-universal-dictionary-of-trade MG 0425
"C. Mosley sculp." engraving by Charles Mosley (ca. 1720–ca. 1756)
3477 x 5332 Pixel (55653224 Bytes)
Classical temple on the coast, sailing ship in the background, wine cask and packages with half-naked man in the foreground. Three white and one black ladies (Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa) honour a seated queen with a laurel wreath resting on a shield and holding a trident and a caduceus, with presents (cornucopia). "Dictionary of Trade & Commerce". "To face the title". Poem: "O Britain, chosen Port of Trade,/May Lux'ry ne'er Sons invade;/Whenever neighb'ring States contend,/T'is thine to be the gen'ral Friend/.../Be Commerce then thy sole Design:/Keep that, and all the World is thine. Gay. Vol II Fable VIII To his native Country"
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Nach offizieller Ansicht der Wikimedia Foundation sind originalgetreue Reproduktionen zweidimensionaler gemeinfreier Werke gemeinfrei. Diese fotografische Reproduktion wird daher auch als gemeinfrei in den Vereinigten Staaten angesehen. Die Verwendung dieser Werke kann in anderen Rechtssystemen verboten oder nur eingeschränkt erlaubt sein. Zu Details siehe Reuse of PD-Art photographs.
This is a photograph taken of an image originating from an antiquarian book that is part of the Peace Palace Library collection in the Netherlands. The image has been digitized by Bert Mellink and Lilian Mellink-Dikker from the partnership "D-Vorm VOF". Credits are appreciated.
Public domain
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