Abbie Rowe, White House Photograph
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President John F. Kennedy meets with recipients of the 1962 Federal Woman’s Award for outstanding contributions to government.

(L-R) Dr. Allene R. Jeanes, Research Chemist at the Department of Agriculture; Evelyn Harrison, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Programs and Standard at the Civil Service Commission; Dr. Nancy Grace Roman, Chief of Astronomy and Solar Physics at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); President Kennedy; Margaret H. Brass, Attorney at the Department of Justice; Katherine W. Bracken, Director of the Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs at the Department of State; Dr. Thelma B. Dunn, cancer researcher at the National Cancer Institute; Katie Louchheim, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs (accompanying the recipients).

Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
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The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. [1]
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