Jón Krosslá Poulsen A Faroese Football Player

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Jón Krosslá Poulsen is a Faroese football player. In 2010 he is playing with FC Suðuroy in Vodafonedeildin. On 12 June 2010 he scored his 4th goal for FC Suðuroy in this season (2010 season) and became top-scorer for the team. Before that they were two who had scored 3 goals each. Jón Krosslá Poulsen has played some international games for U-17, U-19 and U-21 Faroe Islands national teams. He has scored one goal for U-19 against Norway on 31 July 2006. Faroe Islands U-17 won the match 1-0. (His name is written "Jón Krosslág" on the football.fo website, Krosslá is his middle name, Poulsen is the surname.
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