Inside the Moritzburg Castle - 51520423011

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First as a hunting lodge, later as a palace; this is the gorgeous Moritzburg Castle in Saxony. This baroque building was built over an artificial island with four towers connected to the main building. It made it a fascinating looking fortress.

The most exciting thing about Moritzburg Castle is how harmonious it looks and how integrated it is to its surroundings. The landscape was developed with the castle in mind, and you can clearly see it once you go for a walk around the park. There you will find the Little Pheasant Castle and a lake lighthouse to entertain the kings while staged naval battles happened there.

We visited the Moritzburg Castle in the summer of 2021, on our second trip to Dresden. We had this castle in our plans for a long time, and we are thrilled to be able to visit. And we even managed to fly our drone over it so we could see how beautiful it looks from the top, sitting peacefully surrounded by a lake.
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